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It's Really Not About Taco Meat

When your kid calls you 5 minutes after you drop them off & you’re almost to work & says in panic mode, “I was suppose to bring taco meat for our luncheon today!!??! Mom!! Can you help me!!? I totally forgot!!” straighten up your frazzled, dangling, dented crown, pull out your magic wand and set off to try to “save the day”! 
Monday Sarah forgot her book for morning reading...headed back to the house for the book. A few weeks ago Jace forgot his lunch...went back home to retrieve a lunch and took it to the school...a couple weeks ago I forgot to pack Logan a snack for snack day...stopped and picked up cookies & pickles (his favorite) and delivered to the school. Last week we forgot Kimberlynn’s splint for her arm...routed back home after dropping everyone else off to retrieve the splint before taking her to school. 
I’m not complaining in any way...(maybe I need to be a little more organized) just one way I hope my kids understand I’m there for them ~ even if the need is not always convenient. Some day I won’t have them calling me asking for help, hopefully they will all understand responsibility & independence. 
I’m literally sitting in the high school parking lot writing this after witnessing a child with an ankle bracelet and standing with an officer in the office while waiting in the office, obviously he’s been causing trouble in and out of school and I hear him tell everyone around him that he’s just “not a good kid” and that he calls everyone around him the “F” word and justifying it’s “no big deal”. The ladies were addressing him calmly with the officer when I stood up with a handful of chocolate and followed him & a staff member down the office hallway. My thought: I pray for you, heart breaks for you.
I told the lady, “I’m sorry if I’m stepping over boundaries,” she nodded and gave me the non-verbal nod of approval, turned to the kid & looked the boy in the eyes and said, “I’m a mom...of 5 kids from high school down to 3 years old. Do you think it’s okay to be like this and have a 3 year old or grade schooler mimicking this behavior? What you say and how you act DOES matter because whether you realize or not, kids, siblings, people, MY KIDS are watching you. You can make that a good experience for them or you can make that an experience they won’t like. You have a choice to bring light or be darkness. People are watching you. You have the choice & power just like I do to do the right thing, say the right thing or to just be flat mean. And if you want change, that comes from you. ” His response is “well this is how it is at home. No one would believe me if I told them..” I told him “do you think it’s because of your previous actions? Have you tried talking to anyone? I can’t change home for you, but you have the power to break this cycle and choose not to be that way! You ARE a good kid, but you are making some really bad choices and you have the power to stop this cycle.” I gave him the stern eyebrows raised Mom look...he was receptive & changed his tone and said, ”yes ma’am”. And I handed him a handful of chocolate...and said “you got this!! I’m cheering for you to make some good changes! Someone (pointing to myself) cares!”
...I got a “thank you!” And a little smile. 
Today wasn’t about being inconvenience to make taco was an opportunity for a divine appointment. 
I pray the quick, small encounter of encouragement was enough for him to feel loved. 
...Lord, use me, place people in my path, make inconveniences and get me out of the way.
